The Dragon team attended World Maker Faire New York 2018

It was a beautiful day at an amazing, well organized event. World Maker Faire New York 2018 was located at the New York Hall of Science, featuring exhibits both inside and outside.

There were amazing interactive sculptures like The Hand of Man, which is comprised of a 26-foot long hydraulically-actuated human hand that is capable of picking up, maneuvering and even crushing cars. The public was able to try the exhibit using the “glove” device to control it.

We saw amazing companies like Bose, continuing to innovate and create unique products such as the Speaker Cube and bluetooth headphones you can build yourself.

There were also awesome up and coming companies like Curious Contraptions from our Hardware Studio program, which is run with our parent company Avnet and leading crowdfunding platform Kickstarter.

Oh and of course we can't forget the Flame-O-Phone.

Getting down to business Dragon Innovation was there to talk about "Understanding your Cash Flow on the way to Manufacturing" in an interactive workshop.

There was a great crowd of highly engaged people, who were at all stages of the manufacturing process ranging from students who were studying Electrical Engineering and manufacturing to people who had completed and delivered hardware products on crowd funding platforms like Kickstarter.

Our group spent close to two hours learning about Dragon, the importance of a complete BOM, understanding your cash flow on the way to manufacturing, and interacting with our manufacturing insights tool Product Planner.

If you're interested learn more about understanding your Cash Flow here or see the presentation below.

[slideshare id=110599221&doc=cashflowwebinar-180820001445]

If this is any indication as to the progress of these events, then we're all in for a real treat as these festivals continue to grow. Looking forward to the next Maker Faire!

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